The Glove Factory in Holt was host to our one day table centre course.... always a pleasure never a chore!
The Glove factory is situated in the village of Holt and is, as the name would suggest a refurbished Glove Factory. The Glove Factory is a work place hub, offering studios, offices or simply desk space to small businesses. We have to admit to being very envious of those businesses who's daily grind takes them to this beautiful rural spot. But thats not all the Glove Factory Cafe is heaven for your taste buds too....
The Shed, (and before you envisage your falling down wreak of one at the bottom of your garden it's nothing like that!) is a great space that the Glove Factory hire out on a daily basis for courses such as ours....
Before we talk you through out day here are a few images of the Glove Factory to set the scene... we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day.... just perfect.
A sunny morning greeted us at the glove factory |
Apples for a homemade pie perhaps?!
And salad leaves for well salad! |
We started the day by conditioning the flowers that we had collected from the market earlier in the morning (mmm about 5 am!).
We showed the students how to spiral the stems into a hand-tied bouquet before choosing a very modern black glass fish bowl to display them in! A stunning table center... just like that! Well not quite but you know what we mean...!
The flower are collected from the market and taken to The Shed! |
The students get busy conditioning the beautiful hydrangea. |
The spiraling technique! |
...and the finished piece! |
Another finished table center.. pretty good for a student who had NEVER arranged a single flower before!
We broke for lunch and walked over to the Glove Factory Cafe... Quiche and salad was the order of the day followed by a sweet treat or too! I highly recommend the Yum Yum's a mass of chocolate coconut and fruit... yum yum!!
Lunch in the Glove Factory cafe. |
Home made quiche and a great selection of salads to choose from. |
Mmmmmm sweet treats. |
Mr W's favorite... one to take away please!
We pulled ourselves away from the cafe and turned our attentions to the afternoons task in hand...
Another table center but one with a very different feel... we used a vintage styled tin container for the base of our arrangement. We packed it with Oasis to enable us to create a very different feel to the center piece we made in the morning. By using the Oasis we could create a much softer feel to our arrangement... perfect for the vintage styled container.
The vintage styled container was packed with Oasis to help us create an informal shape to our arrangement |
After we formed our shape with our 'Baby Blue Eucalyptus' we added in the 'Green Fashion' rose. |
And after the roses came the hypericum.. |
Almost complete just added a handful of the unusual tumbling Amaranthus. |
Ta-da! What a beautiful arrangement.. well done Siobhan! |
... and another gorgeous arrangement. What a day of great results! |
Everyone was sad that our creative day was over but of course we will be back and there are more one day courses to come including our Christmas wreath days... yes we know a little early to be talking about the 'C' word but our courses do sell out quickly and we want to give you the heads up!
All that remains is to say a big thank you to the Glove Factory for a fantastic day....
And although we left our lovely puppy at home we couldn't resist sharing this one last image with you ...'drink puppy drink' water bowl placed outside The Shed for thirsty puppy's we guess!
Maybe next time we're at the Glove Factory we'll bring our little Puppy along...
'Drink puppy drink' water bowl. |
Our lovely puppy stayed at home but next time we're at the Glove Factory we may just bring him along! |